
Hand-made music products by state51 
-> product design studio
-> print shop
-> lathe-cutting studio 
-> D&AD Pencil Award winners


The Deer Are Small And The Rabbits Are Big
by Laura Cannell & Lori Goldston

Atelier Edition

Vellum-style outer sleeves screen-printed with white ink, tipped on to a beautifully textured high-density back board screen-printed in black ink. Transparent 12” lathe with engraved centre. Only 50 copies available.

51st Edition

Lathe cut 12" vinyl inside hand-engraved bespoke plaster casing, shaped like a two-part plaster mould, as if the record has been cast inside, inspired by the windows and arches of St Olave's Priory, where the album was recorded. House in a screen-printed slipcase. One of a kind piece
